Each credit card statement you receive includes a “minimum payment” amount along with transaction, balance and interest rate information. Depending on other parts of your financial situation and your spending habits, you may be tempted to only pay the minimum amount shown on the statement. As tempting as it may be, you should always try to pay more.
Credit card companies usually calculate the monthly minimum payment due as a percentage of your outstanding balance. The percentage is usually more than the interest rate they are charging on your balance, but low enough to make the minimum payment amount seem attractive.
As you consider how much to pay each month, be sure you understand how all the numbers work. To keep it relatively simple, let us assume you have an outstanding balance of $5,000, the annual interest rate being charged is 12%, or 1% per month, and the minimum payment is 2% of your outstanding balance. If you only pay the minimum amount due of $100 per month, it will take 70 months to pay off the balance. If you pay $200 per month, it will only take 29 months.
If your credit card has a higher rate of 18%, with a $100 payment each month, it will take 93 months to pay off the balance. Paying $200 per month will result in the balance being paid off in only 32 months. That’s a difference of 5 years!
As a practical matter, unless you stop using your credit card, each month you will have additional charges, more interest will be charged, and the time needed to pay off the balance will be even longer.
The key things to remember are that paying more than the minimum reduces your interest costs, and helps pay off the balance much faster. It will also provide some peace of mind knowing you are doing the right thing.
Here are six ideas for finding cash to make more than the minimum payments and reduce your credit card balance faster:
Interest rates charged on credit cards can be high. Finding the right card and paying more than the minimum amount due each month can help keep your interest costs lower. Contact us or visit one of our North Carolina branches for help discovering which of our credit card products are right for your lifestyle.
If you’re grappling with credit card debt, various resources can aid you in managing and overcoming financial challenges. It’s crucial to steer clear of debt relief and credit repair scams. Be cautious when dealing with any company that:
Instead, consider seeking help with credit and debt management from a reputable agency, such as The National Foundation for Credit Counseling. They can provide trustworthy guidance tailored to your financial needs.