Enroll your personal or business Peoples Bank debit card or credit card to use with your Android or iPhone. We support Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay mobile wallets.
With a quick tap of your device, you can use your Peoples Bank credit card or Mastercard® debit card to pay at millions of store locations that accept mobile payments. You get all of the same benefits your card offers, including added protection of Mastercard Zero Liability. Learn more about Zero Liability at https://mastercard.us/zeroliability.*
The easy, secure and private way to pay in-store, in-app and online with your iPhone or iPad.
Fast mobile payments in-store and in apps with most Android™ devices.
Pay with your Samsung device almost anywhere you can swipe or tap your card.
Each time you use one of these trusted solutions, a unique one-time-use number, or token, is used so that your payment information is never shared with merchants or stored on your device.